Local dog parks can be a lot of fun for dogs and their owners. Unfortunately, most owners are unaware of how dangerous dog parks can be. We go to a local dog park and Jimi narrates us through some bad scenarios as they happen.
Local Dog Parks – Tips:
- It’s best to only bring trained dogs to the dog park.
- Watch your dog closely at all times!
- If you see bad behavior occurring (or about to occur), remove your dog from the situation. Don’t just wait and see what might happen.
We are here to help!
We’d love for you to share your dog park experiences with us in the comments below. We do our best to answer every question posted!
I have a dog that has hyperactivity issues.
His name is Jet, he is a wolf hybrid (wolf and german shepherd) and he is four and a half months old. I was enrolled in college during the spring and also have a young child, Kaiden, age seventeen months in the house. During college I found little time to devote to Jet because of my child, and my boyfriend works so late that he has no time for Jet. Now that I have the summer off I wish to diligently work with Jet and help him to be a wonderfully well behaved dog that I can take anywhere.
I have a hard time taking walks with Jet as often as I should because I also have to take the baby with us, but as long as Jet gets plenty of attention and affection his is a generally well behaved dog. He also picks up very quickly on commands because of his lineage. However, every time Jet gets around my son he become very hyper, and since he is such a big dog he can, and has, easily injured my son. Nothing major, but I won’t wait for that to happen, so I only play with Jet and socialize him when my son is sleeping and then but him back on a dog run (cable run) when my son’s nap is over.
I wish to get Jet to the point that I have no fear of him being around Kaiden, and maybe even have him as an extra set of eyes to keep the baby safe, but Jet’s reactions around Kaiden are too volatile (although not aggressive) to have the two together. I really feel as though Jet harbors jealousy for my “preference” of my son over him, since I have always kept Jet from Kaiden. If you have any tips for helping Jet to be a behaved dog around my son, it would be greatly appreciated. I LOVE your videos and this website has been extremely helpful.
Thank you in advance,
Tessla Sadler,
Texas, U.S.A.
My dog is very agressive to other dogs. I have a difficult time when I go to the vet or to the park just to try to walk her. How can I work on this without her hurting other dogs?
Hi Tammy, the best approach is to completely eliminate and avoid distractions that your dog is reactive towards and focus heavily on building the right relationship and training foundation with your dog first. This means going in and out of kennel on command, sit, down, and most importantly the place command (for long durations). Once you’ve accomplished that to a high degree of reliability (only saying the command once and your dog immediately complies), you can start introducing distractions slowly. Remember that this isn’t something you will achieve overnight. It takes weeks to months of effort and consistency. It looks like you’re part of our online training program, so definitely use that to your advantage by communicating to us through the program and sending us videos of your progress and trouble areas so that we can provide you with personalized feedback and coaching to help you reach your goals faster. Thanks for your comment! –YDG
Hello, I am interested and would like to become a subscriber to your training although I have a couple of questions before I make a decision. Here are my concerns(questions): I have two(2) dogs, is this program ok for handling two dogs at once? Currently, my dogs are in my backyard, should I take one dog to the front yard for a training session? If I do that, the one dog in the front yard will be preoccupied with the dog in the back yard whining because he has been left behind. Or alternatively, will I need to take one dog to a location where we are completely alone? Hope this makes sense…
Thank you for any insight
Hi Dylan! You can utilize our online training program for multiple dogs. At first we suggest that you separate and work with each dog individually until you have reliability with basic commands first. At that point you would be able to start slowly integrating training sessions that involve both dogs. Let us know if you have any other questions. Looking forward to working with you in our program!